December A New Year

December A New Year

Happy New Year!

     We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. We had a great Christmas spending time with friends and family. 
     The end of December is spent reminiscing about the past year. We introduced new colors and new types of floss, we donated to the Friends of Caco Bay and we connected with so many of you. We thank all of our customers and followers for sharing Dental Lace with their friends and family. Together we can help eliminate harmful plastic dental floss.

We now have a Vegan Collection of dental floss!
Introducing our vegan PLANT-BASED polylacticacid/PLA floss in a stylish glass container. 

What is your New Year’s resolution? Does the new year feel like a clean slate or does the idea of setting a goal stress you out? We have some tips when it comes to zero waste resolutions.

-start small: it can be as simple as refusing single use utensils, if the goal is too big you may feel overwhelmed. 
-no perfection: sometimes there is no way around avoiding plastic waste, don't beat yourself up!
-share progress with friends: when you are inspired your passion inspires others.

-make your resolution a lifestyle change: taking it slow, making habits of your goals will result in no brainer changes that will stick.

Together we can eliminate harmful toxic plastic dental floss. 

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