photo courtesy of Friends of Casco Bay
Casco Bay is situated on the southern coast of Maine in one of the most visited areas in the United States. Nearly 40 million people visit Maine's dramatic coastline every year. With its natural deepwater harbor, Casco Bay doesn’t freeze which means it is also a destination for over 50 cruise ships between June and November. More traffic means more use and unfortunately more plastic waste

From now until December 31, Dental Lace will contribute $1 of every purchase of Casco Bay Blue Dental Lace to our local Baykeeper organization: Friends of Casco Bay. In addition, we will make a company contribution of $1000. Help us double that gift by purchasing our zero-waste Dental Lace in the Casco Bay Blue style.
Friends of Casco Bay has worked tirelessly since 1989 to improve and protect our bay by monitoring the health of the bay 365 days a year. "Friends" engages local volunteers in cleanups, bay reporting, and educational outreach. Dental Lace is proud to support this organization and the volunteers who make it WORK. From their website:
According to the United Nations, more than 800 tons of plastics end up in our oceans each year. What can we do to change that statistic?
- Pick your packaging wisely
- Use reusable water bottles and cups
- Use reusable shopping bags
- Buy in bulk
- Say no to straws
- Choose glass over plastic; use metal instead of plastic cutlery
- Avoid travel-size wash products
- Bring lunch from home so you aren’t tempted to buy take-out food in Styrofoam container
Learn more about what you can do locally to keep our water plastic-free by visiting
Friends of Casco Bay!