July News

July News

Plastic Free July was a blast!

We had a blast this month during plastic free July! We  loved sharing tips and tricks, joining other sustainable brands and spreading awareness about plastic waste. 

Going plastic free food wise was the easiest part of the challenge for us. 
The garden is producing, and glass and cardboard packaging is easy to come by. The bathroom is where we are near perfect. Bamboo toothbrush, unpaste tabs for toothpaste, shampoo and body bars, and of course Dental Lace floss. I will admit we were not perfect during the challenge, but that is ok. Every step towards plastic free living is a success. 

How did it go for you? Did you give up anything for plastic free July? What was the hardest thing you gave up, or did you switch to a different plastic free version? What was the easiest aspect of being plastic free for you? We would love to hear from you!

Natracare Guest Blog Post

One of the best parts of Plastic Free July was connecting with other like minded businesses. We have teamed up with Natracare for a guest blog post. Natracare is a company that provides women with viable eco-friendly alternatives for period protection.

Check out the Guest blog post Natracare has written here. 


We had the honor to speak at the virtual Green Jobs Panel on July 14th. 
Striving to be plastic free in the workplace is important. 
There are always ways to reduce our plastic waste in our current job, but if you are looking for a new job finding a "green" one can make a huge difference. 




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