My Sustainable Lifestyle

My Sustainable Lifestyle

My Sustainable Lifestyle

How I work to live a sustainable life
Striving to live a zero waste life is a continuous process, and it can often be quite a challenge. After all, plastic plays a big part in our everyday lives. That is why I am so proud of what we here at Dental Lace Inc. are doing at home and around the world in an effort to combat climate change and plastic pollution.

I believe an important step towards a cleaner future begins at home. It is important to ask ourselves “What do I do to cut down on waste?” Recently, I have made a sustainable lifestyle list of the many ways I work to maintain our beautiful planet, and I encourage you to do the same. You may already be doing more than you realize.

Here is my list: 
  • Plant a vegetable garden each year
  • Composts
  • Sustainable product consumer
  • Buy used cars
  • Buy used clothing
  • Work toward a plant based diet
  • Low impact entertainment= outdoor play, hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, visit libraries, museums, family fun time
  • Recycle beverage cans and bottles
  • Produce more recycling than trash
  • Refuse single use plastics i.e. packaging, plastic straws, bank pens, etc
  • Produce zero waste products and share around the world
What do you have on your sustainable lifestyle list? Share it with us on social media or through email. We would love to hear from you!

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